Pascal Grittmann

I’m a postdoc in Computer Graphics at Saarland University. I got my PhD (Dr.-Ing.) at Saarland University (in 2024), spent a few months as a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie early-stage researcher in the Computer Graphics group at Charles University in Prague in 2017, and got my MSc in computer science (2018) and BSc in Media Informatics (2016) at Saarland University.

My page at Saarland University, GitHub,, Google Scholar


Research goals

My research revolves around photorealistic rendering. Specifically, my long-term research objective is to find rendering algorithms that are general and efficient, meaning they can produce imagery of arbitrary scenes at maximum performance without resorting to manual parameter tuning by a user. To that end, I explore learning-based methods that automatically adapt rendering algorithms to the input data. Generally, I strive to find mathematically rigorous solutions that lend themselves to practical applications. I tackle fundamental concepts (like multiple importance sampling), search for the unexplored potential in niche algorithms (like bidirectional rendering), and investigate better ways to go about popular approaches (like path guiding).


Some keywords pertaining to my latest research endeavors:

Outside working hours, like playing (challenging) cooperative video games with friends, mediocrely playing music, and digital painting. I also enjoy reading books. Here’s a random, biased sample with unknown distribution of some books / series I enjoyed: A song of ice and fire, Discworld, Altered Carbon, Bag of Bones. Oh, and I absolutely love eating good food and cooking.